Gregory Lewyllie continues his journey…

Gregory's logbook:
«On Monday, I will finally leave Uzbekistan, the fairy country of the Thousand and One Nights. This week I explored the capital Toshkent and the border with Kyrgyzstan. In the Fergana valley, I visited the only active silk production plant and one of the largest markets in the region. It was very nice. I expected a lot from this country and yes, I am fulfilled. »

« After these three weeks of wandering in time and space, it's time for me to resume the solar race. The winner of the Sun Trip, the Belgian Raf Van Hulle, has arrived in Guangzhou for two weeks already. It only took 45 days to make the 12 000 km. A great success! For him, the arrival was more important than the trip. For me it's the opposite and that's what I like. I have already travelled 8 665 km, I will certainly have 15 000 km on arrival. My exploration in Uzbekistan will probably be worth the last one to come to Canton, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can say that I have lived! »

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