First test of Solarduino Bike 3rd version

Yesterday I experimented with my new solar bike! It is made up of a classic bike and a motorised trailer. I built this new trailer in order to support 3 solar panels of 100Wc (I only had 2 last year).
My intention is to increase the length of my courses. With 2 panels last year, I had completed courses of a little more than 200 km. With 3 panels, I now hope to exceed 250km per day.

For this first 2-step test, I travelled a total of 129 km with 1080 m of elevation gain in 4h25. My average speed was close to 30 km/h.

Due to the sunshine conditions, I set the electrical assistance between 90W and 115W with short moments at 225W.
In quite unfavourable wind conditions (wind of 20/25 km/h with brutal gusts at 50 km/h), I was able to appreciate the good behaviour of the trailer, very stable in turns of the road.

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