Last stage from Oberdrauburg (Austria) to San Daniele del Friuli (Italy) by Tarvisio

Preparation for the Sun Trip Tour 2019 – June 12
After a solid breakfast, we leave Oberdrauburg to attack a small pass. No worries, a few hundred meters of altitude difference, with fresh calves. We leave the Drava Valley to follow a parallel valley. The sun gives and on this road without traffic and flat, we run at a brisk pace. Soon we arrive in Italy, in Tarvisio. Daniele announces 40 km of descent, on an old railway converted into a bike path! And indeed, it's great: we hardly need to pedal. We take our time, we savor the beautiful landscapes! The bike path runs through old train stations. Some are decommissioned, others rehabilitated in cafes. Great, it is the occasion of a contemplative pause accompanied by a tasting of local pastry … The route of this railroad takes bridges a little dizzying. As for the many tunnels, they give us a welcome freshness and plunge us into a mysterious atmosphere. Then, we leave the mountains, we arrive in the plain crossed by the turquoise waters of Tagliamo. I would like to take a break to bathe. But Daniele accelerates, he approaches the goal of this journey, the house of his family in San Daniele del Friuli. No need to fight against this call … Yet I make a short stop: impossible not to stop at the edge of this lake unreal blue! Daniele understands. Finally, in the last rays of the sun, on a place at the top of the city, I discovered the majestic home of Daniele's parents. I realize that we have reached the end of our journey!

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