With Kelle Fabrik FabLab, I am learning to program an Arduino

Today, the FabLab Kelle Fabrik organizes a workshop to learn how to program an Arduino module. I was enthusiastic about it. What relationship with the construction of a solar bike, will you object? Well, I had seen that some participants in Suntrip 2013/2015 optimised the recovery of solar energy by orienting their solar panels. So the idea germinated to automate this process and I began to dream that, while pedaling, my panels would orient themselves in a dynamic way according to the Sun. Let us hear well: they would orient themselves along a single axis, that of the trajectory of the bike. And of course, I would activate this automatism only in the absence of wind (I was able to realize that with wind, even weak, the panels had to remain well horizontal).

Visits: 107

With Kelle Fabrik FabLab, I’m learning how to model in 3d…

Two days before this workshop, I had installed the free and free blender software on my personal computer. By discovering the complexity of the interface, I quickly abandoned the exploration, discouraged. And tonight, after 2 hours of discovery guided by the animator of Kelle Fabrik, I almost manage to finalize my project! I can't believe it. It's great, sharing, collaboration… Thanks to the FabLab to exist!

It must be recognized that there is a special, exciting and almost magical atmosphere here.

Visits: 111