From Troyes (Aube) to Langres (Haute-Marne)

Training for the Sun Trip Tour – June 5
I meet my teammate Daniele in Troyes (he left the day before the Paris region). We will go to Italy for a solar bike! In the morning, the weather is gloomy but fortunately the weather will improve throughout the day. For this first day of road together, we cross beautiful landscapes. At times, I feel like sailing in the heart of an ocean of greenery … The GPS track prepared by Daniele plunges us into the heart of rural France, it's great! At mid-day, we start to get hungry but no coffee or restaurant in the small hamlets we cross! But at 14h, surprise in the small village of Cunfin (180 inhabitants): the restaurant ANDION is open! We will not starve today! Thanks to Olivier and his wife for their warm welcome and delicious food! In the evening, we settle in the municipal campsite Langres overlooking the valley: we enjoy a superb panorama before a fiery storm that puts the ground Daniele bike.

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