From Wildhaus to Innsbrück via the Arlbergpass: I meet my teammate!

Preparation for the Sun Trip Tour – June 9th
Without a telephone network, we managed to reconnect last night, Daniele and me, thanks to WhatsApp and the WiFi of the campsite. This morning, I drive 40 km to join him and resume our journey together. We will try not to lose ourselves anymore! A few tens of kilometers down the valley then we attack the Albergpass. The landscapes are always beautiful even if the sun is missing. I set the engine assistance to minimum to save battery power. Short appearances of the sun, by chance in the steepest climbs. If it does not give a lot of watts, it at least boosts morale. Snowy landscapes at the col. Then nice descent, the wheels warm up and suddenly, I worry about exploding the tube (it happened to me in tandem!). For a future trip, I may be equipped with tubeless tires or disc brakes … Balance: 172 km, 1500 m of elevation gain, almost 600 Wh of solar charge (so average sunshine).

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