
The operation of a solar panel, by Christophe Dugué

It was during the course of preparation for Sun trip 2019 and 2020, in Lans-en-Vercors, that Christophe Dugué gave us important information about solar panels. In a very clear presentation, he explained to us the design and operation of a solar panel, the definition of its technical characteristics (maximum power) etc… Christophe also informed us

The operation of a solar panel, by Christophe Dugué Read More »

All about electric bike, by Justin Lemire-Elmore

Justin works in an innovative Canadian company specializing in electric bikes. It creates equipments: batteries, motors, controllers, control consoles etc… Many SunTripers are equipped! He participated in the Sun trip 2018, with his wife Anne-Sophie, on a solar tandem that he fully invented, where one pedal while the other oar! Here they are at the

All about electric bike, by Justin Lemire-Elmore Read More »

Loan of pedagogical material by Burgundy renewable energies

For the presentation of the solar bike to classes, I wanted to propose to the students to build models with electric circuits powered by solar energy. It was the Burgundy Renewable Energies Association that lent me material: The pedagogical manager introduced me to the wealth of their resource fund for scientific awareness and experimentation related

Loan of pedagogical material by Burgundy renewable energies Read More »

Exhibition of the educational and extracurricular science challenges of Dijon

< img src = "" alt = "" width = "215" height = "307" style = "float: Left; Margin-right: 10px; " The solar bike was invited to the exhibition of scientific challenges led by classes and centres extracurricular held at the great Orangerie of the Garden of Science, this Wednesday, June 7. The bicycle was

Exhibition of the educational and extracurricular science challenges of Dijon Read More »

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